Workers’ compensation is an important protection for those who are hurt on the job. It guarantees that they’ll receive coverage for medical care, lost wages and can obtain other benefits.
The majority of the time, accidents at work will qualify for coverage, but there are some instances when they won’t.
What kinds of injuries won’t be covered by workers’ compensation?
The first reason workers’ compensation could be denied is the most obvious. In most cases, an injury that your boss claims you caused intentionally won’t be covered by the majority of workers’ compensation policies.
Another time when workers’ compensation might be denied is if you wait too long to make a claim. In Minnesota, you generally have 14 days to report your injury to your employer (although there are some situations that will permit you up to 30 days to make the report). You generally have a three-year limit to claim compensation (although extended time is sometimes possible). If you fail to do either of these things, you claim could be denied, and you could be left footing the bill for any medical care.
If your employer disputes your claim and believes that the accident happened outside work, that could also result in a denial. Some injuries, like stress-related injuries, may be difficult to link to your job, which means they’re hard to get approval for, too.
Of course, if you don’t seek medical treatment, then the injury may not be compensable due to a lack of the proof required to file an appropriate claim. In essence, without documentation, you really can’t claim to be injured. Your attorney will help you file a claim if you aren’t sure what to do to make sure your injury is compensable.